Myrrh oil
Botanical Name: Commiphora Myrrha. It is also known as Commiphora molmol and Balsamodendran myrrha. The other names are bola, gum, myrrha, common myrrh and hirabol myrrh.
Common Method of Extraction: Myrrh oil is extracted by steam distillation from the oleoresin gum. It yields 3 to 5%. When the bark of the plant is cut the gum resin comes out in the form of a pale yellow liquid. This liquid when dried becomes reddish brown pieces and the oil is distilled from these pieces.
Parts Used: Gum
Note Classification: Base
Aroma: The aroma of myrrh oil is dry and creamy. It is resinous too.
Largest Producing Countries: Somalia and Ethiopia are the largest producers of myrrh oil. In recent times Kenya also has started producing myrrh oil.
Traditional Use: People of Arabian Peninsula and East Africa have produced myrrh and myrrh oil more than 5000 years as per sources. From there it was traded to other countries like Asia, Europe and Africa. Chinese, Latin, Sanskrit and Latin literatures have mentioned about myrrh and myrrh oil and their importance in ancient times.Myrrh was used in the preparation of mummies and animal sacrifices in Egypt during those times. Myrrh played a important role in the ceremonies of Hebrews and Christians in the 3rd century BC and 4th century AD. In 1500 BC priests recommended myrrh for the treatment of wounds. It was traditionally used for treatment of leprosy, snakebites, plague, scurvy and baldness.
Myrrh oil is used for embalming and many medical problems. It is used as a fragrance and also used as flavouring in food products. It has antioxidant benefits and studies say that the myrrh oil has the capacity to protect against hepatotoxicity. The oil is said to be having anticancer properties and the compounds is affective against human gynaecologic cancer cells. Myrrh and myrrh oil is effective against cough, indigestion, asthma, ulcers, congestion, sore throat, join pain and haemorrhoids.
Myrrh oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-catarrhal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, antiphlogistic, carminative, balsamic, cicatrisant, expectorant, emmenagogue, fungicidal, sedative, digestive and pulmonary stimulant. It is a stomachic, tonic, vulnerary and uterine also. Myrrh oil is very good for mouth and gum disorders like mouth ulcers, pyorrhoea, gingivitis, spongy gums and sore throat. It is good for boils, skin, ulcers, bedsores, chapped skin and cracked skin. Myrrh oil is very effective for surplus mucus in the lungs and is also good for cold, catarrh, coughs, sore throat and bronchitis.
Blends Well With: Myrrh oil blends well with frankincense, lavender, sandalwood, clove and benzoin.
Of Interest: Myrrh has been commonly used throughout history. Myrrh and its oil have been used for religious ceremonies throughout the world. It is also used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines.
Safety Data: Overuse and over consumption of Myrrh oil may create irregularities to the heart. Using the oil sensitive skin may create uneasiness or allergies. Pregnant women are should not consume myrrh or myrrh oil because it can cause miscarriage. Other side effects include making fever worse, lowering blood pressure and uterine bleeding.