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Cinnamon oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum verum

Common Method of Extraction: The common method of extraction is steam distillation.

Parts Used: The bark and the leaves are the main parts used for the distillation of cinnamon oil.

Note Classification: Top

Aroma: The aroma of cinnamon oil is hot and spicy.

Largest Producing Countries: Sri Lanka, Seychelles and Malagasy Republic are the major producers of cinnamon. China, Vietnam and Indonesia also produce cinnamon in large quantities. The other countries where you will cinnamon is large quantities are India, Malaysia, Indian Ocean Island and West Union Territories. There are many countries which import cinnamon oil in large quantities. Mexico, United States of America, United Kingdom, West Germany, Taiwan. Singapore, France and Hong Kong are some of them.

Traditional Use: The name of cinnamon oil is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible many times. The bark is often mentioned as a strong incense stick. It is considered as a special offering in Jerusalem Temples. A mention of the cinnamon oil is there in Ebers Papyrus, The oldest Egyptian medical texts. These texts are supposed to be written in 1550 BC and have a detailed record for over 700 remedies like cancer, asthma and embalming.


The medicinal properties of cinnamon oil are many. The oil is antibacterial, antidepressant and antifungal. It guards you intestines and urinary system against infections. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and antispasmodic. It can be used as a astringent, sexual stimulant and strong immunizer. This oil can be used with other essential oils to enhance the effect. The cinnamon oil can be diluted or inhaled directly and the oil can be applied on the skin directly or mixed with coconut oil for sensitive skin. It acts as a strong medicine against airborne bacteria especially during cold and fever season. If already affected with bacterial infections apply the oil diluting with other carrier oils and massage for better results. Breathing problems can be cured by rubbing the oil on the chest and neck. The oil helps to regulate blood sugar.

It is used to reduce inflammation due to diverticulitis. Fungal infections on the feet and other parts of the body are well treated by using the cinnamon oil. Adding few drops with the bath water or diffusing it in air will be inspiring and helps the immune system of the people inhaling it. The oil supports the function of the pancreas system by just massaging it over the pancreas. It is very soothing even if you apply it on the sole of the feet or if used as an addition in the recipe. Cinnamon oil is used for cooking in many countries. It has been recognized safe for consuming.

Blends Well With: Cinnamon oil blends well with coriander, cardamom, clove, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, rosemary, thyme and frankincense oils.

Of Interest: Most of the viruses, fungus and bacteria cannot live in this oil. Cinnamon oil raises the Tumor Necrosis Factor, a chemical which fights cancer. It is also effective medicine for melanoma and liver cancer.

Safety Data: Cinnamon oil is not to be used for children below 6 years and also for pregnant woman. It is considered as safe oil but repeated use can cause contact sensitization.

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